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Good habits: 5 essential steps

How do you build good habits? What can we do to feel better, be focused, have a mindset which is able to fully support the burden of life?Nurturing good habits.Primarily, by freeing ourselves from the social obligation of always having to smile, bee satisfied, happy and accomplished. Life is hard and it is for everyone. We all need to find our own rhythm and build habits (this requires a lot of time and patience) that meet our needs. Let’s start with the basics: what are good habits? Habits are automatic, repetitive, and often unconscious behaviour which we regularly carry out. Each time we tackle a new task for the first time our brain works hard to assimilate new information and...

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DIET AND FERTILITY How to eat correctly every day

Infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to procreate after a standardised time of 12 months of attempts. This issue is a very topical issue, which concerns different couples and various factors can influence it. Some are unchangeable, above all the age and any pathologies: in men the quality of the semen begins to decrease from 35 years onwards, and in women the situation is even more complex, in fact, as is known, the fertile period goes from puberty to menopause and with age the risk of genomic abnormalities and spontaneous abortions also increases.The good news is that many other factors are modifiable and among them is the lifestyle: physical activity, weight control, stress and different habits such...

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