Il folato è una vitamina del gruppo B, nello specifico è la Vitamina B9, ed è presente in tanti alimenti che consumiamo tutti i giorni quando la nostra alimentazione è ricca e varia.
Esistono azioni utili e necessarie per prendersi cura della propria sessualità. Serve una maggiore consapevolezza per promuovere il diritto alla salute sessuale.
The term mutation indicates specifically a genetic defect, hence in the DNA. A study conducted by the Human Genome Project has demonstrated that the faulty transcription of the DNA implies the bad functioning of a gene present in the body and that it carries out an important role.
For centuries we have had the illusion that pregnancy was a simple event: the spermatozoon simply has to meet the oocyte and that’s it.
Reality is not exactly like that: thousands of steps are necessary, caused by a cascade of hormonal events, so that the best spermatozoon can meet the mature oocyte, fertilisation happens, and the embryo migrates to the uterus where it could be implanted, even here the conditional is called for.
What is a desire, and how to recognise happiness. The road which leads to maternity is much harder than what we tell ourselves, and each of us has a story worth telling. We speak about how to manage the failure of an MAR route.